Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
If you are looking for Monon Psycriatic Hospital Doctor List then you are in the right place. In this article, you will find all the doctor details of Monon Psychiatric Hospital. Monon Psychiatric Hospital is one of the best Psychiatric hospitals in Dhaka Bangladesh.
Address: 20/20 Tajmahal Road,Block C,Mohammadpur,Dhaka
Phone: 8802 9114550; 01711243820; 01718333133
Email: [email protected]
Monon Psycriatic Hospital Location
Doctor Name | Doctoral Degrees | Specialties | Hotline |
Prof. Dr. MSI Mullick | MBBS, Ph.D., FCPS | Psychiatry | 01304022771 |
Prof. Dr. J S Nahar | FCPS (Psych) | Psychiatry | 9126625-6, 9128835-7, 01763287401 |
Prof. Dr. M A Salam | MCPS (Psych), DPM (DU) | Psychiatry | 01832855723 |
Prof. Dr. Nilufer Akhter Jahan | MPH, M.Phil (Psych), MD | Geriatric & Organic Psychiatry | 8835556 – 7, 01684 – 357368 |
Prof. Dr. Salahuddin Q. Biplob | M.Phil (Psychiatry), MD | Psychiatry | 01858727030, 01738880134 |
Prof. Dr. N. Mahjabeen Morshed | MSP(DU), M.Phil | Psychiatry | 8317422, 8333867-8 |
Dr. Hafizur Rahman Chowdhury | N/A | Psychiatry | 01711243820, 9114550 |
Dr. Shoebur Reza Choudhury | MCPS (Psychiatry), M.Phil | Psychiatry | 01711243820, 9114550 |
Dr.Rezwana Quaderi | N/A | Â Psychiatry | 01711688183 |
Dr. Sultana Algin | FCPS | Psychiatry | 9131901 |
Dr. Md. Harunur Rashid | M.Phil (Micro), MCPS, FCPS | Psychiatry | 58152518, 01717843533 |
Dr. Syed Faheem Shams | MCPS (Psychiatry) MD | Psychiatry | 8911600, 8932330 |
Dr. S. M. Yasir Arafat | MBA, MPH, MD | Psychiatry | 01711243820, 9114550 |
Dr. Chiranjeeb Biswas | M.Phil | Psychiatry | 58953939, 8913939 |